Why does anyone use the cloud? Don’t you have a hard drive? A thumb drive? What is the point?
One of the main reasons is the average person is irresponsible with their data. They don't backup. They don't safeguard the data. Thumb drives get lost or stolen. Hard drives crash.
With a cloud solution, data is available on any device once you are authenticated. The cloud is the main reason you can log into your email account from any device in the world and have access to the same emails. The cloud is the main reason your data follows you wherever you go. And if you work for a corporation (that requires cloud storage), they can immediately eliminate your access to their data should your employment be terminated.
There are a lot of other reasons but bottom line is that the cloud is here to stay. Ironically, the computer industry started out with "dumb terminals" interacting with a mainframe and now it's coming full circle.