Are you deliberately trying to be dense?
Isaiah precisely prophesied the day that Israel would become a nation in one day, and that is one of the fixed points in time.
From that the rest is worked out through other prophesies. They all fit together like a carefully machined jigsaW puzzle.
The total expanse of time from the day time itself was created was prophesied several times in Torah, starting with the beginning of Genesis.
Yehova wants his people to know his plan; that is why he gave us his appointed times (yes, those times that “christianity mocks in its man made doctrine)
He gave us the tools we need, but few have the faith to use them.
Yeshua said with certainty and clarity that few would find his narrow path, while christianity foolishly says that the end times would be a grand revival.
The apostasy of the falling away is not a revival; it is exactly the total moral/spiritual disaster that we are witnessing today.
Scoff on; its not for the scoffers.
If you don’t want to know, its not for you to know, but it is for his elect to know.
So, show us the carefully machined jigsaw parts.....fit it all together to = fall 2024!.......I already know your answer.......it's always the same from charlatans like you. Pick your preference:
Answer me, Oh great and wonderful Pharisee!
I predict your answer will confirm your exalted Pharisee position.