“Authorities said that although Solano made pro-Islamic State videos, there wasnt evidence to suggest he had any connection to ISIS or another terrorist group.”
Does it matter if there is no direct connection (yet)? He’s another radicalized Muslim.
WRONG! Islam is a terrorist group.
Islam is not a religion, it is a terrorist cult whose purpose is to rid the world of Infidels.
The KORAN commands ALL MUSLIMS to kill infidels. Most Muslims as we know do NOT kill other people but almost all buy into the concept of cultural jihad. Instead of shooting you or your family, these Muslims are working to overthrow western governments so that Sharia Law can be instituted. Once Sharia Law gets a foothold, then the radicals can rape your daughter just because she is not properly dressed per Sharia requirement. And a Sharia judge will declare the infidel woman guilty and order her killed. The Muslim rapists will be set free.
But then a small percentage of Muslims will bomb innocent people in a mall. A small percentage of Muslims will run cars into innocent people to kill them.
How do you tell which Muslims will kill you and which Muslims will just work to overthrow your government? You don't, instead you declare Islam a terrorist organization and ban it from the west.
If you want to be a Muslim, get on an airplane and fly to a hellhole with Sharia Law.