Gender fluid?
Peak Higher Edumacation.
Hey, Hay
‘ho, Hoe
Brick and mortar’s
Gotta go!
She’s a RACIST!!!
How any sane person could actually pay money to attend a college like this is beyond me.
How 'bout your half-white, half-man type o' specimens?
I never got a grade on “class participation” at UMD. The classes were huge and frankly, I just wanted to get the lecture and bug out.
It was usually the incessant yakker in the smaller classes who tied up profs and caused endless delays in lecture time.
It was always the same people who elicited the same groans day after day after day. ~ Usually crashing bores with inflated senses of themselves.
You get this know-nothing teaching your child for $60k/yr after taxes? Sucker!
Every young woman looks like a caricature of a Disney cartoon.
Or a Kardashian.
I feel justified in being sure all my money and business goes to straight white males.
Let’s be real. Any male of any color in her class deserves zero sympathy.
I could've used a safe space back
That’s racist!
Is she saying black women are dumb so need to have their questions answered first?
Does she do a DNA test on all her students to make sure she got it right?
How about measuring their skull size?
Racism and sexism are ugly to the bone—yeah, talking about her...
Well one thing is certain. She is not teaching quantum mechanics.
Wish I hadn’t seen its picture. Now I’ll be sterile for a year.
Hope she doesn’t penalize the men on the participation grade.
Interesting, back in the early 2,000’s, I gave a guest lecture at an all women Masters class in education and the students were all elementary and middle school teachers.
Just prior to my lecture the instructor addressed the class and asked how they adjust their teaching methods to account for different types of students.
A feminist/lezbo-type said on her first class of the year, she begins her class by saying to the boys that they can sit in the back as this class is for the girls.
I was very angry at this piece of slime. And it wasn’t just me. Turns out most of the other teachers in the Master’s class came unglued because most had children and boy children at that, and this feminist/lezbo said she was discriminating against THEIR boys. . .this wasn’t tolerated and they verbally attacked the feminist/lezbo for her bigotry and illegal discrimination.
Surprised me!
It was something to behold, but sadly I don’t think this defense of boys (even their own off-spring) would happen today.
As we all well know..white people have racism in their DNA.
There for they must be shamed, and even murdered when possible,for crap that may,or may not have happened,decades or even centuries ago.