Sue the organization that suspended him and get the parents of patriotic students to raise hell all over the place, including taking their kids out of sports. Let the teams collapse/lose from a lack of skilled players.
Don’t contribute to the any school’s athletic programs until Saddler is reinstated. Don’t buy ads in school yearbooks. Boycott school events, esp. athletic ones.
Let the schools put the pressure on the referees’ organization or just drop out of any organized league and form a new one without them.
Hit hard now or knuckle under forever. And get rid of any administrator/coach who puts up with the blacklisting.
Sue the organization that suspended him and get the parents of patriotic students to raise hell all over the place, including taking their kids out of sports. Let the teams collapse/lose from a lack of skilled players.
Dont contribute to the any schools athletic programs until Saddler is reinstated. Dont buy ads in school yearbooks. Boycott school events, esp. athletic ones.
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“THEY” are saving that one for when the ‘Marys’ take over girls sports - maybe not because they are better but for the same ‘reason’ when the ONLY Black Girl in town shows up for the Volleyball or Swim team she will HAVE to play lest the whole lot of them get branded for life.
The ‘Girls’ standing in solidarity when ‘Thomasina’ is allowed to play with them don’t realize that HE is just the first one.
Sort of like the ‘girls’ in Europe standing in bus & train stations hold ‘Welcome Muslim Refugees’ and then ‘complaining’ when 6 months later the very ones you are ‘sponsoring’ are raping EVERYTHING in sight and the powers that be just shrug their shoulders while your fathers and brothers just tsk! tsk! and explain diversity and the like to you.
MAYBE the fathers and brothers will ‘wake’ up when marauding bands of ‘them’ start raping the men to ‘show them who is in charge’.
BUT I doubt it.