Rita: The Viet Cong, National Liberation Front was created in 1959 in Hanoi and then publicly paraded before fawning western media hacks and ignoramuses.
However, while the NFLSV was officially unveiled on Hanoi Radion on Jan. 29, 1961, the controlling Vietnamese communist body inside of it, the People’s Revolutionary Party was announced for the first time on Hanoi Radio, Jan. 18, 1982.
All of this history on communism in Vietnam is found in “Studies In Comparative Communism: An Interdisciplinary Journal”, January 1969, “The National United Front in Vietnam”, by P.J. Honey, noted British scholar on Vietnam.
The few remaining VC leaders after 1975/76 were either killed, jailed or fled into exile as Hanoi absorbed their “child” the NLF/Provisional Revolutionary Government (PRG - Hayden/Fonda’ love child) into the Lao Dong Party (Communist Party of Vietnam).
That was the plan all along yet the Western liberals, aided by academic and media Marxists, fell for the “front” concept despite the lessons of the “united fronts” of the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s created by both Moscow and Peking, with Hanoi working both sides of the Marxist ideological continuum.
Hope this helps to explain what the mainstream media dn Marxist professors don’t tell you.
MM, Vietnam/Cambodia journalist, 1970
Thank you very much, *Max!