What else would you expect from a Tax-it-All Tommy Wolf appointee?
This was NEVER part of the ACA as passed law (obamacare).
I wish the fake legacy news would report facts.
This is not the situation that I hoped we would be in, but due to President Trumps refusal to make cost-sharing reduction payments for 2018 and Congress inaction to appropriate funds, it is the reality that state regulators must face and the reason rate increases will be higher than they should be across the country.
To steal Glenn Reynolds noted comment from his Instapundit.com blog, this rise in costs ‘is not a bug, it is a feature.’
“Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percent”
The curse of the Prince Of Fools!
Poer-Flush Twice...Floater, Then drain The Swamp, MAGA, Etc. First Things First! Unfinished Biz!
THEN!...things will fall into place...
Gunny G
Taking free stuff away from gibsmedats is never easy.
I read the other day that my Social Security check is gonna go up by 2% in January.Yet ObamaCare’s going up by 30%!
Excuse me the correct name is the Affordable Care Act............ ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, sorry can’t keep from laughing............