Why no more names??
Weinstein wasn’t the only one. Every few hours, it seems, some other actor or actress confesses to guilt and remorse over “not saying something.” That they regret it, they should’ve stepped up, blah blah blah. Emma Watson stated how “endemic” the problem is in the business. Ok, then — WHO ELSE? All the regret in the world doesn’t do anybody any good at all.... except the person still withholding the names.
Let’s hear it.
Yes, we want action, not cheap words of regretful support for victims. OmG, these people are aweful, but perfect for this world theocratic church of hypocrisy.
I’ve seen a list with 35 names, can’t seem to find it this minute.
Please!please...lets out the pedophiles. Pedophilia goes way back in Hollywood. Even Shirley Temple was harassed...one of the old bastards exposed himself to her when she was about 4. She ran out of the office screaming to her mom. Shirley tells this in her autobiography. After that, her Mom was always on the set, and never let Shirley out of Moms sight again!!