Oh freaking please!!! Within two years they will be feting this guy and handing him an award for having the courage to face his addiction. He will give a rousing acceptance speech discussing all he has learned about the injustices suffered by women. He will then proceed to endorse Kamala or Crazy Horse and discuss at length how they will fight the evil groper Donald Trump.
Tell me you can’t honestly picture the above-happening.
Unfortunately, there are many other rich people in Hollywood/DC who will be happy to fund noxious causes such as Planned Parenthood who will take Harvey's place.
It seems so inevitable!
...........or (other interesting scenarios):
(1) Harvey decides to go scorched earth and he outs A LOT of other serial harassers/rapists in Hollywood (like Ben Affleck). That would be fun.
(2) He actually becomes suicidal and offs himself. Honestly, that might be the simplest, most efficient way to see some cosmic justice and move on.
(3) Harvey only PRETENDS he’s suicidal in order to get sympathy; instead of going to jail, he gets put in a five star “inpatient behavioral health facility” (mental hospital)
(4) He has a massive heart attack because after all, he’s a grossly overweight fat pig slob, probably 120 pounds overweight
Any of the above are plausible.