Posted on 10/08/2017 7:45:48 AM PDT by TangoLimaSierra
Some have said that 43-year-old Scott Edmisten, who was arrested hours after the Las Vegas shooting for doing 55mph in a 30mph zone at 4am on Monday and found with a cache of weapons and ammo including fully automatic rifles, was possibly Stephen Paddock's accomplice. So, far it seems unlikely.
First, for the record, I have no problem with people having weapons of all sorts and under the Second Amendment, that should be protected.
With that said, it is curious that all of this was in his car, not his home, at 4am in the morning.
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Automatic Weapon(s). Semi Auto?
Nice little collection for a day at the range. Certainly a mish mash of Ammo. If I was up to serious business I wouldn’t have 10 different kinds. I’d have the best that worked with my gun.
Fully auto rifles... are we sure about this?
from the title it implies “automatic ammo” (not to be confused with non automatic ammo?)
From the article:
"Four other guns were reportedly discovered inside the suspects home as officers executed a search warrant. One had been altered to make it fully automatic. Investigators also found about $6,000 worth of ammunition that hadnt been opened."
Sounds like he knew how to do it.
Because of the apparently elongated magazine well I suspect these fire the 7.62 X 51 mm.
I’m not sure if these weapons are chambered for 5.56 mm, as is standard.
the one element that makes me reluctant to say they were a part of the mass killing is the presence of the bayonets.
I’m not sure if serious killers would have bayonets.
Allegedly home finished to be so.
If this was only hours after the murders, I’d likely have been fully loaded up, too.
Wouldn’t have been violating traffic laws, though.
both rifles feature no bayonet lugs so apparently the knives we observe here could not be attached to these two rifles.
Yes, it is a little curious. BUT there are TONS of places to shoot in the desert (and indoor ranges) in and around Vegas. Lots of people with rifle cases and ammo, even in the big hotels. (True, not allowed, but who wants to leave that stuff in the parking lot??)
Lots of extremely dangerous high-capacity banana clips also. /s
I thought the same. But look at the selector switch. I had to do a double take. It’s flipped all the way over on the silver lower receiver.
Since the guy was in Tennessee apparently, there wouldnt be any connection with the Las Vegas mass murder likely.
We had to read the whole thing to find out where this took place? Dumb! Also to find out what on earth the mention of an agency had to do with anything and what agency it was. Refers to “court documents”.....this is AFTER Las Vegas and there are already court documents?
The press always gets automatic and semi-automatic mixed up so I’m still on the fence about that.
It looks like he was going out on his lonesome to blow some of his demons away. I do that all the time.
Nothing nefarious I can see from the evidence. In fact from his pistol stash you can make a good case he is being a responsible citizen by just practicing.
AK ammo has a tapered case so the mags always have a much bigger bow to them. These is all .223 or blackout mags.
“from the title it implies automatic ammo (not to be confused with non automatic ammo?”
That is Viagra ammo, It goes off on its own if you in so much as blow on the full metal jacket..
Only monkey’s use banana clips. They’re too slow because you have to peel them first. The Green ones are for the full auto ammunition.
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