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Donald Trump: John Kelly Loves His Job; Will Remain for ‘Seven Remaining Years’
Breitbart ^
| 10/07/17
| Charlie Spiering
Posted on 10/07/2017 10:40:58 PM PDT by Enlightened1
President Donald Trump said Gen. John Kelly loved his job as White House chief of staff, and Trump wanted him to stay for the rest of his presidency.
“John Kelly is one of the best people I’ve ever worked with, he’s doing an incredible job,” he told reporters at the White House.
Trump said Kelly told him that he loved doing his job as White House chief of staff more than any other job he had ever had.
“He’s doing a great job, he will be here, in my opinion, for the entire seven remaining years,” Trump said assuming that he would win re-election in 2020.
The president shot down reports that he was dissatisfied with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, saying that both he and Kelly had a very good relationship with the former Exxon-Mobil CEO.
Trump said the NBC report about Tillerson threatening to resign was “fake news.”
“We disagree on a couple things, sometimes I’d like him to be a little bit tougher,” he said, referring to his Secretary of State.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: coskelly; johnkelly; kelly; seven; third100days; tillerson; trump; years
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I like how President Trump said seven years... Haha!
You know that upsets Leftists.
To: Enlightened1
To: Enlightened1
He should have said "seven years...or maybe eleven."
That could cause panic.
To: Cowboy Bob
I love it! Not sure about Kelly though.
posted on
10/07/2017 10:59:32 PM PDT
(urope. Why do they put up with this.)
To: Enlightened1
Remains to be seen how Trump handles DACA, the Wall, actually draining the Swamp, but many of his choices with personnel leave one scratching their head. There are some questions about what agenda Kelly is for and him trying to censor more conservative voices. Who knows, but Bannon could become an alternative in 2020.
To: Enlightened1
I wish he was saying this about Steve Bannon.
I keep reading that Kelly has the same overall negative opinion about President Trump as Tillerson.
Maybe the disagreement in an administration is not that unusual nor necessarily very harmful.
What is unusual is their open expression of contempt or indifference to the president while they are speaking to unfriendly reporters.
To: Enlightened1
posted on
10/08/2017 12:29:43 AM PDT
(I've Gotta Be Me -
To: Enlightened1
I enjoy reading Kelly's quotes.
On the other hand, Kelly got his third and fourth stars from Barack Obama, which should make every Conservative a little apprehensive.
To: zeestephen
Gannon the alternative? I thought I was ugly.
posted on
10/08/2017 2:09:17 AM PDT
(urope. Why do they put up with this.)
To: lee martell
posted on
10/08/2017 5:41:41 AM PDT
To: VermithraxPejorative
“Who knows, but Bannon could become an alternative in 2020”. Now that’s funny right there. Never gonna happen.
To: VermithraxPejorative
Remains to be seen how Trump handles DACA, the Wall, actually draining the Swamp, but many of his choices with personnel leave one scratching their head. There are some questions about what agenda Kelly is for and him trying to censor more conservative voices. Who knows, but Bannon could become an alternative in 2020. It hasn't been a year yet, but it is already clear that Trump's Presidency is not wholly about agenda now. It is more about exposing the World stage, media, political correctness (ala NFL), the Swamp, and much more for what they are. Trump is a counterbalance that we haven't had for decades (or ever) and he can "Tweet" about anything and in a manner that is unprecedented in our modern political times. That transcends the importance of the individual agenda items for now, at least in my mind. Trump is successful in the mere existence as President.
As the proverbial "Bull in the China Shop", Trump has barely shook his head to this point. There is obviously much more to come and no one has any means of stopping him. Trump has disarmed them all. The agenda will come but will likely evolve. I'm sure I won't agree on all points, but it is doubtful he will lose me along the way.
To: All
Trump and Kelly are a bit of an odd couple. Kelly has some profound differences with the base and I don’t trust him but so far Trump has kept true to his word. We know Kelly is against the wall but so far Trump has stayed resolute, which I take as a very good sign.
To: Enlightened1
What’s the over/under, 4 months?
posted on
10/08/2017 8:26:48 AM PDT
(Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away)
To: zeestephen
Kelly is a MA liberal who has been allied with Mattis and McMaster from the start, in a demeaning condescension of Trump. He has worked overtime to shut Trump off from those who actually believe in the Trump agenda, including any such media.
To: VermithraxPejorative
There are some questions about what agenda Kelly is for and him trying to censor more conservative voices. Does Trump require Kelly to log all access requests, so that Trump can see who is trying to contact him?
Is Trump's internet access being filtered?
If the answers to these two questions are respectively "yes" and "no", then there should't be a Kelly censor problem.
To: Cowboy Bob
Nah, seven’s perfect. He trolled the media just right. I’m sure they’re already soiling themselves. “But— but— he should have said ‘3, unless Maxine Waters has me impeached for any reason whatsoever’. Is he trying to subvert the constitution!?”
>>Not sure about Kelly though.
Me, too.
posted on
10/08/2017 9:04:54 AM PDT
(Inside Every Liberal is a Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out - D. Horowitz)
To: lee martell
>>I wish he was saying this about Steve Bannon.
Steve Bannon and Sheriff Clarke are America’s two best and brightest hopes. Blessings to both and may they stay strong and unwaivering.
posted on
10/08/2017 9:12:52 AM PDT
(Inside Every Liberal is a Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out - D. Horowitz)
To: lee martell
I keep reading that Kelly has the same overall negative opinion about President Trump as Tillerson.
Until I see and hear those opinions directly from Kelly's and Tillerson's mouths . . . then I call BS.
posted on
10/08/2017 9:15:00 AM PDT
("Liberals are the stool in the community pool" . . . Hat Tip to rockinqsranch)
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