I lean toward the theory that there was a second person who was in Brian Hodge’s room with the second broken window and was watching the camera on the food cart and maybe firing rounds out the window.
He got out in time, closing the door connecting to the Vista Suite and perhaps running up the stairs to the Four Seasons. Need to more about the claim that the fire door to the stairwell was somehow ‘blocked’ when it should open out into the stairwell.
Those hotels are bristling with cameras.
He would have had to vacate before guard got there in 4 minutes. Not likely. And the food cart blocked that rooms exit.
Maybe there was a second guy.. but his real job was to kill the first:
Man on Trial for Killing the Hit Man He Hired to Kill His ...
Prosecutors say a Kentucky man hired a hit man to kill his family, and then killed the hit man so he wouldn’t have to pay for the job.