This all precisely fits the standard Democrat Party operation for the last 50 years. The only thing that has now changed is the sheer radicalness and brutality of the procedures.
LBJ was reported to say that his legislation would keep “Blacks” voting for Democrats for the next 200 years. So began this pattern of harnessing Blacks for purposes of their votes. The only problem Democrats had was that Blacks don’t vote with the regularity of their White counterparts so Democrats had to cultivate ways to gin up Black outrage near each election cycle in order to get them to the polls.
Each 4 year election cycle saw things such as the Willie Horton issue. The James Bryd lynching issue. And on and on. Every 4 years Democrats whip up racist sentiment for the expressed purposes of trying to get Blacks outraged and to the polls on behalf of Democrats.
Democrats, with Obama, have finally overstepped the tipping point now. Now, with Obama, they have nearly created the racial war they long dreamed of. However, for them it has only had mixed results at the ballot box. But it sure has torn the country apart at the seams culturally — to which the Democrats really don’t care as long as they can blame Republicans, Conservatives, Trump, or whomever.
And this pattern fits perfectly with the Alinsky model of “political reform”, i.e., revolution by other means. At some point, more and more big cities will adopt the Detroit model for dealing with Moslem neighborhoods - treat some areas of the city as no-go zones - until total chaos erupts and the government steps in to “save everybody” by ratcheting down once again on personal freedoms. Another win for the statists.
Yes, that's right, "sixteen'... Your chances of being hit by lightning are MUCH greater.
You're right Obadiah about White Liberal Elites ginning up black hatred before every election - it's their 'get out the vote' strategy.
And you're right that it's tearing the country apart... But it's not just being done to win elections - it's being done to keep white liberal elites in power.