Is there something wrong with your Caps Lock key?
*chuckle* - Seriously, though, the government in Madrid needs to be careful here. Using excessive force could boomerang in terms of Catalan support for independence. I saw some clips of the Spanish PM that sounded pretty tone deaf. Telling people they can’t have a democratic vote just because “it violates the Constitution” could quickly lead one to wonder if living under such a “Constitution” is worthwhile..
Better to let them blow off some steam with an unbinding independence vote that less than half of Catalans polled would be in favor of ...
Seriously, though, how hypocritical is it to live in a state that claims to be democratic but then prevents (or tries to) its citizens from excercising a fundamental right?
I love how the the nation of one of my great-great grandfathers handled it - the only sane way - when Slovakia wanted out after the fall of communism, the Czechs said “go right ahead”. Those folks lived their convictions, rathen than just mouthing pieties to them when it suited their interests ...