The best thing we can do is to learn how to work with every area of the country to nationalize any election that involves a Rino.
Help the local area get good candidates. Use the bray method of winning it works every time. Key in on one and only one candidate who can reliably beat the rino. It will take enough money,support,effort put forth by not just the small area of a state, country or even city but efforts by all of us everywhere. Anyone who wants to get rid of the scourge of rinoism.
We are a huge force that has been chained.
Limbaugh last week talked about his audience of 27 million plus those on car radios.its huge.
We can win any election we put our minds to we just have to do tit and stop the complaining.
We need a leader is what we need.
We all have some idea of what needs to be done but we need someone with some clout to stand up and lead.
Again, I don’t have the answers. I do volunteer to be the Citizen Scribe, a position I just now created.
But I’m switching off all the radio guys who just talk about it. To them it is a money-maker, a way to draw in listeners.
To me I am tired of hearing about and ready to act.
Just looking for some direction.