What is Kimmel asking for? All sick children getting free health care?
What about fee for service health care, some basic catastrophic insurance that you pay monthly forever from birth, and great charities to help certain victims?
People, focus on the surgeries and medical departments that are fee for service. Like cosmetic procedures. You pay more in Beverly Hills. Less in Tijuana. And everywhere else, something in between. And many plastic surgeons take trips to third world countries and provide free surgeries for the desperate injured or disfigured people.
Capitalism works, combined with the desire to do altruistic things. It’s not perfect but it works.
Make all medicine like cosmetic medicine. Like the alternative therapies not covered. If people really want them, they find a way. Bariatric surgeons in Mexico are building bigger hospitals and clinics. Think, people. It’s easy.
He, and all of the other big mouths on late-night, could pony up 1 million each + get a million from every rich bastard that comes on, and pool it into an endowment and provide free healthcare to every kid in America....if they really cared that much.
Instead they buy 5-10 million dollar mansions.