Yes, Bannon is right.
We need to start in 2018 with the Amnesty Senators
Corker, Hatch, Heller and Flake.
First step is actually the easiest & one of the most important. Trump could do it now with an executive order.
1. Rescind the JFK executive order allowing federal government employee unions.
2. Next step is much harder but needed. Pass a federal law banning federal government employee unions. That don’t get rid of them permanently but makes them difficult to return.
Unionized federal employees are roughly 40% (Note too lazy to look up exact number!) of the work force. The Treasury Employee Union (TEU) & “I-can’t-remember-the-name-of-the-other-Fed-Union” are very radical. TEU infests the IRS! That should never be allowed. Doing this might embolden states, & local government to shed that prasite.