Maybe off topic, but I often wonder about China. They are still officially communist. Yet they have introduced many free market reforms into their economy. They have opened up and trade with the rest of the world. Chinese millionaires are buying real estate in other countries.
I wonder how can it be, if under communism, everyone is equal, and there are no millionaire business owners, how can communist China have so many wealthy businessmen?
And what would Chairman Mao think of today’s China??
And just a general question, about communism. If communism is supposed to be such a superior system, why does a major communist country such as China institute so many free market reforms, rather than adhere to their communist ideology????
Could it be .... Free market or me, communism for thee ...
Good points. And if capitalism is such a superior system, why does a preeminent country such as the US institute so many socialist programs, rather than adhere to their capitalist ideology?