And liberals’ heads are still exploding.
“And liberals heads are still exploding.”
Figuratively. When they begin to explode literally, please let me know. That will be worth watching.
The Leftist dupes’ reaction to President Trump’s sensitive humanity are hate personified. It illustrates, that in the vacuum of godlessness, hate occupies the heart like an addictive drug.
The latter two outlets are absolutely shameless in their continuous bashing of the President, and they've totally buried these videos of the President interacting with flood victims and just being himself.
After all, we can't have any positive optics of the President and minorities smiling and conversing, now, can we?
The Propaganda Media couldn't possibly be more pathetic, and the vast majority of the American people see this petty, vindictive behavior for precisely what it is.
Since they know that the Media is part and parcel of the Democrat party, all of this hateful "Fake News" doesn't reflect well on Democrats.
I predict a major smackdown of the Democrat party yet again in the 2018 midterms—in addition to several lukewarm GOPe Congressmen being primaried.
This Revolution is bigger than Donald J. Trump, and will continue long after he has left the stage. This is yet another aspect that the Uniparty Establishment and Swamp seem to be forgetting. They act as if everything will return to normal after the Trump administration. It won't.
The Democrat party—due to its shameful resort to identity politics; its constant smearing of White Americans as racist; and its total lack of constructive "America First" policies for the working class and the poor—will be relegated to minority status for decades to come—at both the state and federal levels.
Similarly, the Republican party—continuing a trend that began in the 2010 midterms with the emergence of the TEA Party—will be steadily purged of its corrupt and unresponsive elements: Swamp Things, Globalists, RINOs, elitists, and interventionist warmongers such as John McCain and his ilk.
In the 2018 midterms, as the #NeverTrump crowd faces more stinging defeats, new faces will appear, fresh leadership will emerge, and the GOP will continue to transform into the party of the united American People, with "America First" policies that will:
Gone will be the destructive Trade, Labor, and Energy practices of recent decades, which have served primarily corporate interests and wealthy elites—leaving everyone else to fight over the scraps.
Against this trend—arduous but inexorable—the Democrat Media, the Uniparty Swamp, and the subversive Deep State—now in their death throes—ultimately won't stand a chance. The Revolution is on!