Posted on 08/24/2017 7:48:23 AM PDT by BlackFemaleArmyColonel
Trump gives the Pentagon six months to kick THOUSANDS of transgender service people out of the military if they are deemed 'non-deployable'.
A month after he announced a ban on transgender people serving in the military via Twitter, Donald Trump has issued a memo on how the decision is to be implemented.
The two-and-a-half-page note says Defense Secretary Jim Mattis must consider a service member's 'deployability' when deciding whether to eject them from the military.
That means that if they are unable to serve in a war zone, take part in training or serve on a ship for months, they must go, the Wall Street Journal reported.
It has not been spelled out exactly how the criteria will be assessed, however the Trump administration seems to be implying that it does not believe transgender service people are deployable.
The policy gives the Pentagon six months to oust 'non-deployable' transgender service members, bans new transgender hires and orders the Pentagon to stop paying for trans service members' medical treatments.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Thousands?? are there really that many in there??
Yep, “if they are deemed ‘non-deployable’” is critical to the whole thing.
The president ought to be commended for his patience and generosity of spirit. Had it been me, they would have been given the length of time it takes to process them out.
But expect the Ninth Circus to get involved - AGAIN.
Six thousand?
No way are there that many who have had surgery. These are just garden variety malingerers anyway.
In a spirit of solidarity with their fellow LBGTXYZ comrades who are “non-deployable,” ALL of them should quit the military. Somehow I suspect the military could keep functioning just fine.
Thousands?? I’ve been in DoD for nearly 40 years and have only seen one...and he was a Civilian. And he only did it on the weekend (someone spotted him downtown in drag once).
Why would non deplyables be serving anyway? No wonder we can’t fight and win. Et they. An binge you tube tho.
Not good. This means the generals have an escape hatch. They simply deem them deployable. Just watch, if the surgery wasn’t a week ago, they’ll be “deployable”.
Thousands? Really?
Fake news.
I think these 3-4K people should be immediately non-deplorable and given temporary assignment while awaiting discharge. No need or value in dragging this out.
The Coast Guard said they had thirteen. I am guessing the rest of the military has a few hundred. But, if you are going to pick something and employ it for politics it has to be significant. It probably would help if Trump put the issue in perspective.
Actually, I read this the reverse of how it seems. They are not saying, get them out. They are saying, if they are deployable, they can stay.
So I see it as backing down on a clear policy.
Thousands of transgender people? Really? Thousands, who knew? :-)
I would say this just needs to be an across-the-board review of fitness for worldwide duty
Not mentioning trans
Also classify elective sex change medical procedures as non covered among hundreds of other conditions
Psychotherapy? Pffft - not for people subject to deployment
Transfer to VA
And add steroids and artificial hormones to the list of prohibited drugs
Lets get EQUAL here
It didn’t take long for the usual FR circular firing squad to get turned on General Mattis in previous threads. This man is a soldier’s soldier. We all know it so just sit back and let him do his job. Whatever he decides will be in the best interest of the US military and the country. President Trump has made the decision and provided guidance, now it will be implemented.
We did not elect an idiot for President and he did not choose idiots as Cabinet members.
That's always been the military stance. They made huge allowances for pregnant women, probably to the detriment of the service, and I don't think they need to make any more concessions. The job of the military is to protect the country. It's not a jobs program for the otherwise unemployable. (That's the Post Office, from what I can tell.)
So you know nothing about the Haditha Marines then?
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