Have you noticed how Republicucks are completely impotent when it comes to fighting the ‘Rats but they don’t flinch when it comes to taking down challengers from the right?
“...Have you noticed how Republicucks are completely impotent when it comes to fighting the Rats but they dont flinch when it comes to taking down challengers from the right?...”
Of course. It’s really not that hard to understand once one realizes that they all belong to the same party: the UniParty. The 2-party system is a facade for the “unwashed masses” to keep them convinced they’re still living under a Constitutional Republic, but the reality is we’re under a single-party dictatorship and they will fight to the death to hold onto that power. Power brings money. The Turtle has reaped a pile of cash over his years in the UniParty. He’s not about to let anyone in the Senate that might threaten him and his UniParty.