There is hope....I own a very high quality artesian chocolate factory......
There is solace in never judges you.....
I do not shop Target or WalMart. Haven't for several years. Some years ago, we were in a very tight money situation, and we started to shop very conservatively, especially for food. We found an outlet store in Amish country that has really great, top line food stuffs, for a pittance. We shop there every couple weeks.
We have gardens, and grow our own produce, especially tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, potatoes, herbs etc, even horseradish. And we have a neighbor how has a great garden and what we don't grow we buy from him. If we don't grow it and he doesn't have it, we find it in Amish country.
We learned to be frugal, and we still are, to our advantage. Goes right to the bottom line.