This woman, a Harvard Law School grad and successful writer married to a successful writer, had a second trimester abortion because her baby had Trisomy something, the scientific way of saying Down Syndrome. The essay was published in Salon magazine and in her book of essays and was met with acclaim: 95% of the comments to the article praised her, many praising her specifically for being a “good mother”!
Here's something I think about often. Homosexuality and obesity are two conditions that probably involve genetic predispositions. It is perfectly acceptable to abort babies that would have Down Syndrome, right? Yet, when the “gay gene” and the “fat gene” are identified, and women start abortion fat, gay babies, you KNOW there will be an outcry.
The good mother is my friend who adopted a little girl who’s Ukrainian sperm donor and vaginal canal abandoned their DS child.
Absolutely. The left would be totally opposed to babies being aborted if they had the “gay” or “fat” genes.