I'll have to locate it, but there's definitely a video which shows someone flying through the air as the car is moving forward, well before the vehicle ever stops and reverses itself.
I realize there are several different videos, but I'm focusing in on the fact that the car struck pedestrians as it was rolling down the street moving forward, and not just when it stopped and then reversed itself.
So what I'm disputing is the idea that the vehicle didn't hit anyone until it was coming to a stop and then reversed itself.
Now it may very well be that, before the vehicle hit anyone while it was moving forward, it still might have been attacked first. That might very well be the kind of fact that a jury must decide.
This guy could very well get off the hook if it is established that he was in fear for his life as a result of pedestrians attacking him before anyone was hit.
But, to reiterate, the vehicle did send at least one person flying through the air while moving forward "at speed", well in advance of any deceleration and reversal. That fact should not be in dispute, and if it is, then someone is missing a critical video clip...
The frames I have seen show him at least tapping the brakes before he hit anyone, then the hit on the left rear fender, then gas, move forward at speed about twenty feet, then hit a car and then reverse.