“The other reply is right. We have ALWAYS been about equality UNDER THE LAW.”
The other guy has it wrong too. The declaration states all men are CREATED equal. It doesn’t have any ‘under the law” qualifier. That was something that was added to make the initial declaration sound less absurd.
But the guy that wrote the idiotic article is not even smart enough to utilize that cover, he goes back to the original absurd statement.
That original statement in the declaration gives today’s egalitarian monger a ton of cover. They are the true believer of that moronic assertion, for if all people are CREATED EQUAL, then the only possible reason for unequal results is discrimination and injustice and they feel righteous in ending such injustice by whatever means. And they are doing it.
I agree that the much more narrow interpretation “equality under the law” would have been a far less dangerous assertion, but that’s not what’s there.
The key difference between the French and American revolution is we, at least initially, put more emphasis on freedom than equality, whereas the French put more emphasis on egalite’ than liberte’. Today as the Google episode and so many other demonstrate, we have become the french, by putting all the emphasis on equality and throwing freedom under the bus.
You’re going strictly on the Declaration and Jefferson’s words?
We’re going on the whole principle, which is borne out constantly by the whole of the AmRev discussions and debates, writings and so forth held by many of the Signers and Constitutional convention debaters, and contained within such as the Federalist Papers.