Agreed, The point is, there is likely a woman out there who can do it, somewhere. Until you get up to the peak of the pyramid of physical performance, there will be some woman who can beat out a guy at the lower end of things. But you will always, always, always, be able to find a man that will beat her out.
Some people like to foolishly say “Well, if she can do it, let her do it” which is preposterous BS for combat.
It isn’t the corporate world, it is the military.
Because there are a small percentage of women who can perform as well as the lower half of the men, that doesn’t mean we should alter logistics, procedures, etc. to accommodate them, never mind the impact on unit cohesiveness and capability.
Who goes into combat at the peak of their physical fitness? Perhaps you have been on ship for months waiting, or, as in Desert Storm, months waiting for forces to mass and politics to work eating MREs for months before crossing the LOD. It is rare circumstances indeed that send troops at their absolute peak of fitness.