How can you possibly make such a categoric statement? Your unconditional statement is patently ridiculous.
On July 24, 2017, the National Archives and Records Administration released documents previously withheld in accordance with the JFK Assassination.
The announcement at release states: This release consists of 3,810 documents, including 441 formerly withheld-in-full documents and 3,369 documents formerly released with portions redacted. The documents originate from FBI and CIA series identified by the Assassination Records Review Board as assassination records. More releases will follow.
So if this release contained: 441 formerly withheld-in-full documents, 3,369 documents formerly released with portions redacted and more releases will follow, please explain to all of us how you could make such an unconditional statement?
How can I make such a statement? Very easily. If they released 10,000 classified documents from the Apollo program, there’s still going to be no evidence that the Moon landing was fake. Hence, until someone shows me otherwise, I anticipate nothing coming out of this release that was not previously known, except perhaps some meaningless minutia that doesn’t affect things one way or the other.