The problem is that many that wear R jerseys really play for the other team.
Alexander, Corker, Flake, Gardner, Graham, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Murkowsky, McCain, Rubio, Burr, Tillis, Portman, McConnell, Thune, Cornyn, Cochran, Isackson, Blunt, Johnson, Toomey, Capito, Rounds, Fischer, Collins, Wicker, Sasse, Ernst and Shelby are all Democrats in R jerseys.
Corker, Hatch, Heller and Flake must be removed in 2018 or they WILL vote for another amnesty
To tell you the truth I don't care about them at all...except for beating them at the polls or prosecuting their crimes. DJT is not wearing their jersey and he's the one who has to direct HIS Justice Department to start enforcing the laws in this country. The idea of a blindfolded Lady Justice has become a joke!
Alexander, Corker, Flake, Gardner, Graham, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Murkowsky, McCain, Rubio, Burr, Tillis, Portman, McConnell, Thune, Cornyn, Cochran, Isackson, Blunt, Johnson, Toomey, Capito, Rounds, Fischer, Collins, Wicker, Sasse, Ernst and Shelby are all Democrats in R jerseys.
Corker, Hatch, Heller and Flake must be removed in 2018 or they WILL vote for another amnesty.
Trump is flushing out all the Rinos and Undocumented Democratic plants in Congress!
President Trump and we have to get rid of Undocumented Democrats posing as Republicans in congress!
Hopefully those elections will be very binary. Dude. You voted against repealing zero care.