More like either submit/convert to islam/communism/the Borg/necromongers/slavery, or be killed.
That’s how these POS leftists think.
A Bullys Deal: If You Ever Think For Yourself and Dont Conform, Well Ruin Your Life. ............
If you’re a demodummie, your life is already ruined.
“Conform or be cast out.....”
If the Democrats told us anywhere near the truth how they really meant to govern, they would not be a minority party, they would be an asterisk (too few to count) in any popularity contest.
Democrats did not invent lying, prevarication and obfuscation. But they raised all three to art forms.
It really comes down to what “it” means. If you are getting a really crappy deal in life, and you can get a better crappy deal in life, what do you have? Obvious, a crappy deal. And the size of crap has little bearing as to the odor of it.
The persecution intensified after the left saw how many women, minorities, and LGBTs either voted outright for Trump or refused to vote for Hillary. They’ve been in “election mode” ever since...
I choose the “or else”. So what happens next?