It’s good there were so many people there. If the Trump campaign thought there was anything wrong going on there would have been one on one meetings
It appears that everyone mentioned in the Goldstone email, including Goldstone, was at the meeting. Which usually means someone is looking for clarification of Goldstone’s wording, and gets everyone in the room at the same time for that purpose.
The press either knew all attendees from the start, and dragged it out intentionally to create drama, or, they had crappy leakers and they are blaming their lack of leakers on Don Jr for not being ‘forthcoming’ and labeling him as a ‘liar’. The Russian ‘chief investigator’ info was passed around to congresscritters prior to the meeting as part of an organized lobbying effort and had to do with the Magnitsky issue. Rohrabacher and others were given the same ‘chief investigator’ stuff, but the press ignores it because it doesn’t fit their Trash the Trumps at All Costs story line. When Don Jr is a party, then the ‘chief investigator’ stuff becomes spycraft.
The question the press refuses to ask is, who suggested to Veselinskaya to go to Emin to go to Goldstone to get a meeting with Trump, Jr., when Dellums was escorting Veselinskaya through the halls of congress for months introducing her around and could have personally contacted Don Jr., himself.