Trump joking about the Russians maybe helping look for PIAPS's emails that she "couldn't find" during the debates is what got this whole dam Russia, Russia, conspiracy, collusion etc., etc. thing rolling.
None of it has any chance of amounting to anything, but the slimy Democrats have greatly reduced what Trump might have done during his first six months with this stupid Russia-gate production.
They can't do anything else so they're just trying to run out the clock.
The Russia nonsense will never get traction with the American people (as opposed to communists and illegals and Muslims) because they know Donald Trump is American and is fighting for Americans. The only people that would collude with Russia to harm America are Democrats and communists (but I repeat myself).
None of it has any chance of amounting to anything, but the slimy Democrats have greatly reduced what Trump might have done during his first six months with this stupid Russia-gate production.
And what the bleep are most of the Republicans doing to help?
Whether he joked about it or not, the seeds were sown to use muh Russia to delegitimize the results of the election. Trump joked about it, because Mook accused the Russians of the DNC emails appearing at Wikileaks.