BACKSTORY---In September 2010, Hillary's MCC awarded Symbion $47 million tax dollars for (cough) 'power projects in Tanzania.' EVER WONDER how much of the $47 million tax dollars got to Tanzania....after the players divvied it up among Blumenthal, Wilson, the Clintons, Obama?
NOTE Millenium is also the source of the 100 million tax dollars Michele gave to Morocco "to teach Muslim girls" to be held by, and "administered" by the Obama Foundation.
DO THIS NOW: demand the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) books be opened. We demand to know the financial details and the scope and dimension of individuals connected to these outrageous State Dept giveaways.........govt parasites profiting at taxpayers' expense.
Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414
CONTACT CONGRESS: Capitol Switchboard 1-866-220-0044
Agree Liz. We need to demand congessional investigation to state dept millenium corp.