In the beginning, I agreed with you, but now she has won me over.
Niki has bigger balls than most pubbie senators {of either gender...err, I mean ANY gender, including genderation X}.
Same here. Now I think that the “Haley and son attend proud to be queer parade” story was likely concocted by pro-UN’ers who heard that the ambassador and her son had a outdoor lunch at some establishment near the parade route.
>> Niki has bigger balls than most pubbie senators {of either gender...err, I mean ANY gender, including genderation X}.
Agreed, but what concerns me about her is that it seems she has a tendency to be somewhat of a flip-flopper. Am I wrong about that? If so, I would be happy to hear it.
>> Niki has bigger balls than most pubbie senators {of either gender...err, I mean ANY gender, including genderation X}.
I see also on another thread that she took her son to watch the Recent Gay Pride Parade in Noo Yawk. Not a good example of Conservative values in my opinion.