Good for Sarah Palin.
Israeli general, politician and PM Ariel Sharon won a lot of money years ago when he was demonized as a “war criminal” for his actions as Israel’s Defense Minister.
If my memory serves me correct he sued “Time” magazine successfully for defaming him.
From my study of media law and I am a media journalism graduate with a BA in those fields and former MSM employee, the way to prove it in court is to uncover malicious intent within the media organization.
Nasty conversations, nasty opinions offered in the workplace and other places about Sarah Palin.
Nasty conversations, nasty opinions offered in the workplace and other places about Sarah Palin."
Thank You for the insight Nextrush.
Covering malicious intent would be a great topic for someone like Sharyl Attkisson.
Sarah Palin has be viciously attacked by people who scream for female role models.
I literally get sick thinking about it >:(