Anyone here think this is a nothingburger?
Not me.
The Libs are really falling apart now. They are so hateful and delusional and discombobulated that they don’t know what to do other than keep digging their hole deeper. this is fun to watch.
They will really increase their inciting of violence now.
I don't think it's a knockout blow, but it's a pretty heavy piece of straw on the camel's back.
CNN has been on the defensive for a couple months, and that is not a good place to be. When you feel a need to tell the public you are most trusted, it means you are not (most trusted).
The CNN producer repeats what many know. The real news is the orders from the top to keep returning to the Russia story for ratings. It proves that CNN is no longer a real news organization, just a “content provider” for the purposes of collecting ad dollars.