In late July 1969 I was on 90 days of P-3 profile for two gunshot wounds, so; they decided to send me to the MI officers combat staff intelligence officers course. We had so many students they split the six week course into AM and a PM class. I had the PM which started at noon and went straight until 6 PM or so. Anyways my point is I lived in the Dundalk area of Baltimore in Bear Creek Apartments. Myself, a major and another captain, who were both ADA types, had a 3 BR apartment there. I went all over back then as I was partying trying to kill pain with booze. I did not see trouble in Baltimore then. I went to Ft. Meade O Club plus the one at Holabird, MD .I just never saw trouble in Baltimore. I saw a hard working blue collar crowd in the Dundalk bars.
I did 30+ years with the folks at Ft. Meade. The neighborhood ain’t the same.