The GOPe control the rest of the House. They are communists Democrats and their only interest is filling their pockets. They will not help President Trump because that would mean giving more liberty and economy back to the people. They are the most destructive force with full support to the far left liberal Democrats. It won’t be long and we will have Civil War II and the total destruction of he GOPe and Democrats.
Conservatives are individualists...We accept responsibilities and think for ourselves...We have never really used or needed organizers...
The liberal left is full of groupthink...They look to organizers who plan for them, think for them and direct them...They are well funded by people like Soros and the Clintons...They blindly are followers...
We have never looked at life that way...
To fight this madness, we are really going to have to find some organization...It will be hard because our individualistic minds dont think that way...