Have to admit, with everything going on here in the US, haven't paid much attention to this Corbyn guy. After doing some cursory research on the web, the guy sounds like a complete disaster. He's a full on admitted communist with Marxist origins since the 70s. Sounds Bill Ayresesque.
What's wrong with the British people? Have they gone so far to the left that all they care about is free stuff? Remember Margaret Thatcher's classic, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." What about that is hard to understand?
Found this at Theresa May's Gamble Goes Bust
". . 68-year-old Jeremy Corbyn, an unreconstructed 1970s-vintage Marxist . . . Look at the guy! He made Bernie Sanders look mainstream by comparison. His platform called for investing half a trillion pounds in rebuilding Britain's industrial infrastructure, building millions of homes, making universities free, and re-nationalizing the country's railways, utilities and postal service. He proposed to pay for all that by hiking corporate tax rates from 17 to 26 percent and imposing punitive taxes on real estate and incomes over $100,000 a year."
This platform is straight out Marxism and parrots the communist manifesto.
Also, "Corbyn opposed the Falklands war and backed Fidel Castro, the IRA, and the PLO." . . " Youth turnout on Thursday appears to have been high." 'Nuf said.
France gone, now the UK? I guess we're going it alone. Fight on!
Sanders is not a Marxist. He is a Scandinavian style Social Democrat. However, the US far left, and Marxist/Leninists I have observed locally are trying to co-opt him because he is the only likely game in town for them.