To: Impy; fieldmarshaldj; UKrepublican; NFHale; BillyBoy; KC_Lion; stephenjohnbanker; DarthVader
134 posted on
06/08/2017 7:23:36 PM PDT by
(I'm with Steve McQueen: I live my life for myself and answer to nobody.)
To: GOPsterinMA; Impy; fieldmarshaldj; UKrepublican; NFHale; BillyBoy; stephenjohnbanker; DarthVader
Do idiots not care about Muslim invasion?
I am sure our British FReepers thought the same of us when Ubama got in there.
139 posted on
06/08/2017 7:26:03 PM PDT by
(If you want on First Lady Melania's, Ivanka Trump's or Sarah Palin's Ping Lists, just let me know.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson