The counties - Greene, Hale, Perry, Dallas, Lowndes, Wilcox, Monroe, Conecuh, Clarke, Washington, Choctaw, Sumter and Barbour.
Most of these counties are in or border the Black Belt.
This fertile strip of soil runs from VA to TX with some of the very richest being in Dallas County, AL.
Catfish farming in Perry, Hale, and Greene counties is HUGE.
Some farms harvest almost one million pounds per week.
Lotta jobs.
the number of (able-bodied adults without dependents) recipients for SNAP benefits is expected to continue to decline..
These counties (especially the western ones in Alabama) are also solidly democrat, some of the poorest in the nation, and demographically more black than most other counties in Alabama. Every election, its easy to pick out the clack belt on the county map. I don’t understand why, but these areas are poor, despite their resources.