A man with a knife, but another man hides in a dumpster, because..NO GUNS
There is only ONE way to solve the slaughter: Muslims OUT! The past year has seen 423 new Mosques open and 500 churches close down. The mayor of London itself is an anti-Christian Muslim bigot. Meanwhile the Muslims will not allow one church to be built in the Saudi Arabian kingdom, and the liberal, leftist idiots running England have No Answer! Because the ONLY answer is to RETURN to the BIBLICAL base upon which the West was built. Christianity was flawed because it wandered from the pure Torah teaching of the Nazarine, but it was infinitely better than what we are dealing with now. If the west refuses to repent, this is what lies ahead: the total moral collapse will be followed by a total collapse of every meaningful and worthy aspect of life. G-d is not mocked. The nations that turn away from him will be utterly destroyed. And the repentance must begin with the restoration of the Biblical Sex Ethic. The Global Sexual Revolution must be destroyed, because it defiles the very essence of what people are. This means that the biblical consensus of what is acceptable speech must rule the Culture. Starting with the “F word”; because it’s use defiles and degrades the act of marriage, which is where people come from. G-d has commanded “you shall honor your mother and your father.” Failure to restore the biblical sex ethic will mean the end of life as we have known it.
Unless you’re hiding in that dumpster with a gun or at least, a long, pointy stick, you’re nothing but spam.