Part of the issue is that you can’t legally distinguish between ‘real’ and ‘fake’ citizens. Once the barbarian is made a citizen, he is a citizen.
And can you imagine the ways a gub’mint would abuse the power to decide who is a real citizen who is not?
I think the only thing we can do is gut a lot of the loonier civil rights provisions and return to profiling as a law enforcement tool. And you can imagine the screaming that would cause!
Nevertheless their citizenship is fraudulent, and the fraud was perpetrated by the government itself.
I get what you are saying, but we need to get back to sanity on immigration and citizenship policy. Immigration should serve the interests of citizens. Candidates for immigrant status should be people who admire us and want to be us (and have something to offer the country by their presence in it). Absolutely no one in government seems to think like this anymore.