There are MILLIONS of Muslims that are not going to raise a finger to kill you.
But there are thousands in the US right now who are working to kill American infidels. Those who do kill will get no criticism from the "peaceful" Muslims because if they do, they are guilty of criticizing Islam. Criticizing Islam is at the top of the list for a death sentence.
As the "radicals" kill, the peaceful Muslims will be working to overthrow our Constitution and implement Sharia Law. Once Sharia Law is implemented, then radicals can kill, rape, enslave, behead infidels at will. Because Sharia Courts will blame the victim as these barbarians side with the murderers, the rapists, the RAT traitors who support the invasion of the west.
Radical means killer, peaceful means they are working to enslave you in a Muslim He$$ that rivals the $hitpit these barbarians came from. All Muslims must go and their murderous cult must be outlawed.