The practice seems far less prevalent now, but in Maryland, many drivers would stop at the yield sign when they should have been accelerating to freeway speeds. Meanwhile, having learned to drive in CA, I was taught that you NEVER stop when entering or on the freeway. This practice of Maryland drivers caused me many gut-wrenching moments. Like the time I was accelerating to get on the freeway, looking for a gap between two cars to insert myself into, and I looked back ahead just in time to see the idiot van driver ahead of me had stopped.
Yield signs should not be on a freeway entrance ramp. Cars should be merging, not yielding.
A prevalent practice in Maryland freeway construction is to place the on ramp just before the off ramp, so that entering and exiting cars have to cross each other. It is not much of a problem when I am slowing to leave the freeway and the entering cars accelerate; I just let them pass and merge behind them. But there are entering drivers who, instead of accelerating to get on the freeway, they slow down to let me pass. This puts me in the situation of having to accelerate to get in front of them, then merging into the exit/enter lane and braking to slow down on the exit ramp.
They are in NC now as well. I will blast their ass on the right side at 90 as they are trying to figure out getting on the interstate at 25. Invariably they all have NY plates.
Liberal asshats from the NE. Get on a Donkey and out of my way.
Like the time I was accelerating to get on the freeway, looking for a gap between two cars to insert myself into, and I looked back ahead just in time to see the idiot van driver ahead of me had stopped.
That is a very dangerous move. It's called the acceleration lane, and you should be matching or exceeding the speed of the traffic with which you intend to merge. I almost got into a multi-car accident because the bimbo in front of me, in a minivan no less (I hate minivans), decided to stop on the entrance ramp. I mean, if you can't handle the freeway, then stay off the freeway.