It seemed to me a year ago that whoever the next president would be they would be a tyrant. The option of operating “within the bounds” of the Constitution simply would no be available. The Congress had let the last guy get away with so much there just was no way to turn it back.
So imagine what that would look like had “our guy” won. Well, no need to imagine, our guy did. So what happened? Seems to me he needs to take a few more scalps than one but I agree, he definitely needs to put some fear into them. The libtards keep wailing, “Hitler, Hitler.” I Trump was a Hitler they would be hiding in attics not spewing their crap all over the internet.
There are two sticks with which to beat this dog. The first is to use antitrust statutes to break up the media monopoly. The second is to convene a grand jury, indict Hillary, and put her on trial.