I would indeed like to have the 17th amendment repealed. Then Texas MIGHT have two Senators who believe in the LIMITED FEDERAL G’ment as defined by the Constitution instead of Just Ted Cruz.
And Maybe Maine would put their Current Governor LePage- an old Curmudgeonly GENTLEMEN into the U.S. Senate instead of the old witch and Where is the Beef Angus.
I just don’t get it - What is wrong with Maine merging back with Mass-holes and both can be called Tax-holes :)
He might just do that...and, he's not "old". (some would say he's no gentleman, born into poverty)
Where is the Beef Angus.
I believe you are referring to Anus King?
I just dont get it
We can see that.
What is wrong with Maine merging back with Mass-holes and both can be called Tax-holes
Well, that's pretty much what's happened with the first Maine (which tyrannically brutalizes the second Maine)