I had it get onto a computer from an email that was supposedly from the Postal Service, but wasn’t. Cost me about $180.00 to have the machine purged. Fortunately, I had backup for the compromised files or could do without them.
Moral of the story: NEVER click an attachment to an email from anyone you don’t know and trust.
“I had it get onto a computer from an email that was supposedly from the Postal Service, but wasnt.”
That’s a common scam - sometimes it “from” UPS, Fedex or other carrier.
Even worse than that, in my post #24 we determined that he was infected via a Word doc attachment that came to him from his attorney (or so it appeared). All the advice I had given him about scanning for viruses before opening an attachment (from anybody!) were ignored.
All attachments are suspect, even from people you know- their PC may be infected.
Just spent all day at work at the hospital with all my coworkers, making sure everything was patched.
I think sometimes people think I’m joking when I talk about capital punishment for people doing this stuff
I’m not.