EVERY story on this election says “centrist Marcon.”
They got the memo?
Plus, any story in the EU that talks about the hacked emails desperately avoids telling what is in them. This deviant wonderkinder with his invented Party is about as financially sound as Hillary.
EVERY story on this election says centrist Marcon.
They got the memo?
French Centrist=Wants to destroy the country slowly rather than quickly.
EVERY story on this election says centrist Marcon.
Most of them say ‘Macron,’ but I get your point.
Btw, did you know Macron is on a gay-male mailing list? There are rumors of a homosexual affair also.
Whoever called Macron the French Obama got it right.
I believe that is the translation of, "Vichy".
Maybe he stands somewhere between A-Fascists and Islamists. That’s centered to a leftist.