Does it excempt them from deathcare? Make them have deathcare.
Does it excempt them from deathcare? Make them have deathcare.”
It still exempts Congress from participating so it must be a wonderful plan
Priorities, people
I don’t know about deathcare, but apparently it eliminates the Obama pre-existing condition coverage for the public, but preserves it for the people voting on it (Congress).
“The new Republican amendment, introduced Tuesday night, would allow states to waive out of Obamacares ban on pre-existing conditions. This means that insurers could once again, under certain circumstances, charge sick people higher premiums than healthy people.
“Republican legislators liked this policy well enough to offer it in a new amendment. They do not, however, seem to like it enough to have it apply to themselves and their staff. A spokesperson for Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) who authored this amendment confirmed this was the case: members of Congress and their staff would get the guarantee of keeping this Obamacare regulations.”
“The new Republican amendment, introduced Tuesday night, would allow states to waive out of Obamacares ban on pre-existing conditions. This means that insurers could once again, under certain circumstances, charge sick people higher premiums than healthy people.
The waiver protecting Republicans in Congress, from the amendment they created that screws over millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions.
You can see it on the sixth page of the amendment, although it is admittedly hard to spot. The Obamacare section that requires legislators to buy on the individual market is section 1312(d)(3)(D). And if you look at the Republican amendment, and the list of who cannot be included in this waiver? It includes Section 1312(d)(3)(D).”