The better question is how many jobs are created building a yacht.
You can either spend a $million and hire people to build one, or give a $million to the government so they can pay those same people to sit on their ass and collect welfare.
In the first case you at least get something for your money.
In the second, there is nothing produced for that money.
But they libtards will say “well those people will buy stuff with that million”- OK but they could buy that same stuff if they got pad for the JOB of building the boat, and at least would have WORKED and PRODUCED something.
“But some of them can’t work...” (this is how libtards continue to argue even after you’ve made your point)
OK WELL THOSE PEOPLE WHO CANT WILL SIT ON THEIR ASS ANYWAY... Those are the ones who NEED welfare- but the ones who CAN work SHOULD work, don’t you agree??????
I have four cars. Don’t tell Bernie.